Instagram: sigurdstorm
English verson, bottom of the page.
I år er mye av den tradisjonelle pynten byttet ut! Det er gøy! 🙂
Hamburgere, pizza og den stygge andungen! Mange av de fine kjedeforretningene våre har får kornetter i alle former! Se ildene nedenfor!
Julenissen over i keramikk er kjøpt på Nille og er perfekt til kaker, kjeks, sjokolade eller godterier!
Ellers er disse knuslige klasskornettene fra”Flying Tiger”, Her er det alt fra hamburger og pizza til “Den stygge andungen” :-))
The big Santa’s in ceramic is from Nille and is perfect for cakes, biscuits, chocolates or sweets!
Otherwise these are crunchy class cornets from “Flying Tiger”, Here it is everything from hamburgers and pizza to “The ugly duckling” :-))
3 kommentarer
Så inspirerende å se hvordan du blander dyrt og billig pynt/ interiør til alle anledninger😻 og resultatet blir sååå bra hver gang❤️🙏🏻
Tusen takk, det er så mye fin rimelig pynt nå, så det er ikke noe i veien med den. Men dersom man vil ha noe helt eget som ikke naboen har, må man kjøpe noe annet eller sette litt eget preg på ting 🙂
Good morning
My name is Sergey and I am a co-founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace just where you can easily purchase and offer all types of online services ranging from backlinks and guest post to explainer video tutorials, infographics and write-ups for your online site.
I strongly believe that you and can truly benefit from Sweaty Quid, no matter if you wish to provide your services or hire freelancers to assist you to expand your business.
I have been a freelancer on various marketplaces for in excess of 5 years and have had my accounts arbitrarily shut down, my incomes misappropriated and I just simply had a tough time with lots of low quality freelancers. After much disappointment, I made a decision to launch my very own freelance market place that would do things in a different way and far better.
After almost one year of caffeinne powered evenings, myself and my team at Creative Bear Tech have developed Sweaty Quid from ground up. One month into our launch we have managed to bring in a good number of quality freelancers and an incredibly high number of repeat buyers. I believe this serves as a testament to our excellence.
Sweaty Quid is a spam-free and transparent market place for high quality freelancers and buyers. We are rigorously banning all spammy sellers who do not pass our quality threshold and leave only the very best ones. Keeping abreast of the latest technologcal transformations, we also take cryptocurrency as one of our payment methods. Our ethos that defines us is that sometimes less is more, specifically when it comes to high quality freelancers.
We are still very new in contrast to other freelance marketplaces, but we are already punching above our weight.
I would love to welcome you personally to sign up with Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace!
Kind regards
Sergey Greenfields
Founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace
Flat 9, 1 Jardine Rd, St Katharine’s & Wapping,
London E1W 3WD, UK