Tiden har gått, datoen i dag er min markering for overfallet jeg var utsatt for, for i dag 5 år siden. Saken gikk på flere kanaler, me de klarte ikke å samle nok til å ta dem! Her er en reportasje som viser hendelsen. Vet du noe, har du hørt noe, så si noe, vær så snill…
Den detaljerte historien: https://sigurdstorm.blogg.no/den-verste-dagen-i-mitt-liv.html
They said they were going to kill me, so I had to unlock the door in the room I had locked inside. And being shot through the door felt worse than seeing them in the face.
Time has passed, the date today is my mark for the assault I was subjected to, today 5 years ago. The case went on several channels, but they could not gather enough to take them! Here is a report showing the incident. Do you know anything, have you heard anything, then say something, please … The detailed story: https://sigurdstorm.blogg.no/den-verste-dagen-i-mitt-liv.html