Han som inspirerer meg mest…



Jeg legger ut kalenderen min i år igjen. Den ligger nå på YouTube.

Det var en veldig tøff opplevelse og være i en prosess hvor det ble produsert 25 episoder fra hjemmet mitt, men selvfølgelig veldig gøy. Jeg satt ikke ned på 50 dager! Samtidig har jeg besøk av kjente gjester og sammen snakker vi om jul. Manuset er basert på hvordan jeg går frem fra start til slutt, samt noen selskaper, musikkvideo, sang innspilling og mer. Fly-turbulensen som endte i avisen som nesten ble en flystyrt, jeg gjerne skulle vært foruten.

I første episode kommer den som betyr aller mest for meg! Hun er ikke særlig glad i å være med på skjermen. Hun har blir spurt flere ganger, nå måte hun bare!

Hvem inspirerer meg mest…

De store kassene med julepynten dekorerer jeg slik: Se episoden nedenfor. Jeg kommer til å legge ut flere “Do it yourself” videoer!

It becomes too much for me and translate everything, so if you want you have to copy text and translate it in google translate


5 kommentarer

    1. Elsker denne julekalenderen, og ser den hvert år:) Fint om du også kan legge ut noe om hvordan du pynter i år. God 1. søndag i advent!

    2. Cybergenie (@) Cyberservices (.) Com
      (+1-2-5-2 -5-1-2-0-3-9-1 – Whatsapp)
      I am putting this out here so others don’t make the same mistake I made and if they have, there is still a chance for redemption. I entered a cryptocurrency scheme I knew nothing about because I was intrigued by the huge ROI numbers mentioned and how it has changed many lives, PS, I read those reviews from the scammer’s website. This con artist I bumped into made me believe cryptocurrency trading and mining are so easy. All I had to do was register his crypto mining website, and make a deposit into my account while they sorted out the rest for me. After a few deposits, I was running into hundreds of thousands of profits, which motivated me to invest more, the more I invested, the more woes for me to access my invested funds. I had it enough and threatened to quit, and I was locked out of the account and discovered they were crypto scammers. Not many who had lost money to various scams were able to recover their stolen money back, but mother nature was fair to me as she directed my path with Cyber Genie Hack Pro. This team of professionals ensured I got back all I had invested in that platform along with the profits. I got help reclaiming my lost money back with the help of CYBER GENIE HACK PRO.

    3. Do not invest in any trading platform, there is nothing such as get rich quick, it doesn’t always end well. I was also a victim to this kind of scam. An Asian girl introduced me to ibitminers and i got really deep into their shit and all i can say is these scammers are good at what they do. I was allowed to withdraw a little amount which i believed was to build my trust but they sucked me dried and i never got my capital after all was said and done. I lost a ton of asset and when i reported to local authorities i was told since crypto is untraceable, there is nothing they can do about it. I couldn’t get any help from them until i contracted the service of a professional ethical hacker. He hacked into the eth wallet address i made payment to and retrieved my stolen crypto and he showed me the transaction history of these scammers, I was in shock.
      If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing’s team guide you towards the light of redemption.
      Facebook page: Osecybersailing
      Email: [email protected]
      Whatsapp: +4917617861530

    4. The need for more legitimate hacking companies are rising each passing day because of the magnitude of scams being run on the Internet. I know what I went through before I was able to contact Osecybersailing to work on my case after getting scammed multiple times and trying to retrieve back my lost investment funds. After I have invested $670k usd with a fraudulent crypto investment company and i lost everything in the space of one month and got scammed again and again trying to find a solution which wasn’t easy to come by given the circumstances that brought about the incident, getting scammed multiple times is never a good experience for anyone involved which was what exactly happened to me when I got scammed investing into crypto currency. Many posing on the Internet as hacking companies aren’t really what they are because most of them are scammers waiting for a prey to devour, I got referred to reach out to Osecybersailing through a friend and after I investigated about their legitimacy I came across many of their testimony from their satisfied clients that got their lost investment funds retrieved working with this legitimate and evergreen hacking institute which also changed my story helping me retrieve back my lost investment funds. Many of the testimony really were saying great and worthy things about how the company saved them from financial loss, I decided to hire them after many consideration and they didn’t disappoint me by making the choice of choosing them after what I have experienced lately trying to get my funds back from the scammers. They proved they can be trusted with the recovery of lost investment funds which is why I wrote this down for other victims of scam who wishes to ever retrieve back their lost investment funds to let Osecybersailing solve their case, they’re worthy and has what it takes to restore back your funds and peace of mind. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you.
      If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing’s team guide you towards the light of redemption.
      Facebook page: Osecybersailing
      Email: [email protected]

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